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Abstract  Abstract

A packet radio data network and methods have been disclosed the network comprising at least a gateway node (GGSN) at least one serving node (SGSN) connected to the gateway node a plurality of radio access nodes (RAN) connected to the serving node (SGSN) the packet radio network transporting packet data from an external packet data network comprising an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to mobile stations (MS) wirelessly attached to radio access nodes (RAN). The gateway node subsequent to a PDP multipoint context activation procedure establishes at least a first multicast tunnel (GTPT1 GTPT4 GTPT10 GTP35) between the gateway node and at least one serving node the multicast tunnel carrying IP streams pertaining to at least two mobile stations belonging to a common multicast group.

A packet radio data network and methods have been disclosed the network comprising at least a gateway node (GGSN) at least one serving node (SGSN) connected to the gateway node a plurality of radio access nodes (RAN) connected to the serving node (SGSN) the packet radio network transporting packet data from an external packet data network comprising an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to mobile stations (MS) wirelessly attached to radio access nodes (RAN). The gateway node subsequent to a PDP multipoint context activation procedure establishes at least a first multicast tunnel (GTPT1 GTPT4 GTPT10 GTP35) between the gateway node and at least one serving node the multicast tunnel carrying IP streams pertaining to at least two mobile stations belonging to a common multicast group.


The information in blue was extracted from the third parties (Standard Setting Organisation, Espacenet)

The information in grey was provided by the patent holder

The information in purple was extracted from the FrandAvenue

Explicitly disclosed patent

Implicitly disclosed patent

Basis patent

Family member