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Abstract  Abstract

Methods nodes computer programs computer program productsand a mobile network for adapting a mobile network are described.In such a method for adapting a mobile network (800) a terminal (802) is connected to a first access node (804) of the mobile network (800) via a first connection and to a second access node (808) via a second connection. The first access node (804) controls a data transmission for the terminal (802) and the second access node (808) assists in the data transmission for the terminal(802). The method comprises determining (7) whether a quality of at least one of the first connection and the second connection is degradedacquiring (7) quality degradation information about the degradation of the quality of at least one of the first connection and the second connection based on the step of determining and adapting (896 8 898 899 10 11) the mobile network (800) based on the step of acquiring. Thereby a network adaption can be enabled in an easy efficient and fast way in a case in which at least one of the first connection and second connection may have been degraded or failed.

Methods nodes computer programs computer program productsand a mobile network for adapting a mobile network are described.In such a method for adapting a mobile network (800) a terminal (802) is connected to a first access node (804) of the mobile network (800) via a first connection and to a second access node (808) via a second connection. The first access node (804) controls a data transmission for the terminal (802) and the second access node (808) assists in the data transmission for the terminal(802). The method comprises determining (7) whether a quality of at least one of the first connection and the second connection is degradedacquiring (7) quality degradation information about the degradation of the quality of at least one of the first connection and the second connection based on the step of determining and adapting (896 8 898 899 10 11) the mobile network (800) based on the step of acquiring. Thereby a network adaption can be enabled in an easy efficient and fast way in a case in which at least one of the first connection and second connection may have been degraded or failed.


The information in blue was extracted from the third parties (Standard Setting Organisation, Espacenet)

The information in grey was provided by the patent holder

The information in purple was extracted from the FrandAvenue

Explicitly disclosed patent

Implicitly disclosed patent

Basis patent

Family member