


Synchronous coherent orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system method software and device

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Abstract  Abstract

A synchronous coherent orthogonal frequency division multiplexing SC-OFDM system method software and device include a plurality of SC-OFDM transmitters and a plurality of SC-OFDM receivers. Each of the plurality of SC-OFDM transmitters is synchronized to a reference where the reference is derived from a common source for transmitting SC-OFDM signals. The plurality of SC-OFDM receivers is arranged to receive the SC-OFDM signals from at least one of the plurality of SC-OFDM transmitters. The SC-OFDM signals each have a cyclic extension and the SC-OFDM signals from each SC-OFDM transmitter include at least one pilot code in accordance with a predetermined pilot code scheme.


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Implicitly disclosed patent

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