


Error control method, medium access control (MAC) frame designing method, and terminal registration method in wireless communication system, and recording medium

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Abstract  Abstract

The MAC frame in a wireless communication system includes a terminal ID allocated to each of multiple terminals. At least one connection ID is allocated to each terminal having the terminal ID and sub-carrier allocation information is allocated to each connection having the connection ID. The sub-carrier allocation information includes a sub-carrier allocation status for each sub-carrier and the number of allocated information bits for each sub-carrier. The sub-carrier allocation status and the number of allocated information bits for each sub-carrier can be allocated by sub-carriers to the sub-carrier allocation information using a same number of bits; or the information on the sub-carrier allocation status is first allocated to the sub-carrier allocation information and the number of allocated information bits for each sub-carrier is allocated.


The information in blue was extracted from the third parties (Standard Setting Organisation, Espacenet)

The information in grey was provided by the patent holder

The information in purple was extracted from the FrandAvenue

Explicitly disclosed patent

Implicitly disclosed patent

Basis patent

Family member