


Radio system and methods for duplex operation

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Abstract  Abstract

A method for duplex telecommunication connection in radio connections is based on a frame-structured interactive communication and a radio system where the frame-structured interactive communication is performed in the radio connections. A means is provided for improving the use of channel resources in implementation of interactive telecommunication connection by providing an FDD connection with one or more TDD dimensions. A full-duplex frequency band is time-duplexed into two or more sub-bands in which interactive communication takes place substantially independently. Transmissions in different transmission directions in each sub-band occur at different times but simultaneous transmission can occur in different sub-bands in different transmission directions. The message is received entirely in one transmission direction before it needs to be responded to in another transmission direction in a particular sub-band. The frequency band is utilized effectively for communication because transmission can be performed simultaneously in different sub-bands in the reverse transmission directions.


The information in blue was extracted from the third parties (Standard Setting Organisation, Espacenet)

The information in grey was provided by the patent holder

The information in purple was extracted from the FrandAvenue

Explicitly disclosed patent

Implicitly disclosed patent

Basis patent

Family member