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About the patent documentation for Publishers

Publishers on FrandAvenue are intellectual property law firms and specialised IP consultancy services providers. They have a demonstrated experience in standard essential patents mapping, and in advising international clients.

FrandAvenue does not disclose the name of the authors of the claim charts to preserve their independence. Copyrights in each claim chart, however, are always documented.

Once a Publisher has listed 10 claim charts approved by FrandAvenue technical team, it can opt to be listed on FrandAvenue expert directory. Publishers will find this option in the Presentation tab of their Profile.

FrandAvenue has no stake in any company licensing in or out SEPs nor receives any commission from licensing deals. FrandAvenue has no interest in favouring any member, expert or publisher.

FrandAvenue impartiality also extends to:

  • the selection of the SEPs for which claim charts are drafted and sold on FrandAvenue Publishing: Publishers either select the SEPs themselves or request FrandAvenue to provide them with a bucket list of SEPs selected at random.
  • the order of display of the claim charts: their display is dictated by their publication date, which depends entirely on the Publishers drafting capacity.
  • the price of the claim chart: all claim charts are sold at the same price, agreed in advance by FrandAvenue and all Publishers.

Regarding patent documentation, FrandAvenue only checks for formatting issues and technical accuracy, and it is to the Publishers to amend it. FrandAvenue does not intervene in the drafting of the claim chart. FrandAvenue is a marketplace where Publishers sell their products and services to Members.

The claim charts are checked for:

  • Formatting issues: FrandAvenue provides a template which can be found on the Add Listing page of every Publisher’s account. The template is provided to ensure uniformity amongst claim charts and facilitate their reading by FrandAvenue Members. FrandAvenue quality-assessment team checks each of the claim chart for compliance with the template provided. If there is an issue, the listing is rejected, and the publisher is asked to amend its claim chart and reload it of FrandAvenue Publishing.
  • Technical Accuracy: FrandAvenue quality-assessment team does a random check of the technical accuracy of the charts i.e., whether the mapping of the claim elements with the technical standard is accurate and the researcher’s comment coherent with the mapping.

FrandAvenue technical team oversees the quality assessment. Our team is made of experienced patent researcher who have a specific expertise in Standard Essential Patents.

Our team will communicate with Publishers via the chat which is opened for every claim chart they list. This chat is available from the Add Listing page. FrandAvenue Publishing team may also communicate with Publishers by email. It is therefore important that all Publishers check that the email address registered on their profile is correct.

Publishers are charged for the quality assessment. In the FrandAvenue Publishing agreement, this fee is referred to as the technical fee. It is deducted from the sale price of the corresponding claim chart at the time of such sale. As provided in the FrandAvenue Publishing agreement it may be increased on case-by-case basis if the patent documentation listed by the publisher requires a longer-than-average quality assessment from FrandAvenue technical team.

Yes. There would be multiple claim charts published for the same patent. Publishers can list different claim charts for the same patent. Indeed, Publishers can map different technologies for the same patent and/or multiple publishers can map the same technology for the same patent. The same publisher cannot however publish more than one claim chart per technology.

Before buying it, Members can only see a preview of the claim chart they have selected. FrandAvenue technical team however ensures that all claim charts rigorously meet industry standards.

The claim charts sold on FrandAvenue must be drafted following a template provided by FrandAvenue. All claim charts will display the following information:

FrandAvenue impartiality also extends to:

  • The independent claims of the reviewed patent, severed in logical element
  • The correspondence between the reviewed technical specification (TS number to which the patent has been declared essential by the patent owner) and each logical element of each independent claim
  • The patent researcher’s comments
  • An essentiality score for each logical element

This essentiality score is applied both to the independent claims and to each logical element of those claims. This means that Members get a very detailed picture of the essentiality of the patent. The essentiality score is only checked by FrandAvenue for formatting issues.

Publishers analyse patent claims to map them with the relevant technical standards. During the analysis, Publishers determine essentiality scores based on the mapping of the claim element with the technical standard. If a claim element is fully mapped with the technical standard, the rating is equal to 5 while if an element is not mappable the rating is 1

Publishers will find more information in our Essentiality Rating Guidelines which can be found in the Add Listing tab of their Profile.

No, Members cannot amend the Publishers’ essentiality scores for the claim charts they buy. Members however can use the scoring tool on FrandAvenue to decide of their own ratings.

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