


Terminal aygiti ve yeniden iletim denetleme yöntemi.

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Abstract  Abstract

In cases where bearer associative communication using multiple downlink unit bands is implemented, a terminal device and a retransmission control method are provided to ensure the quality of downlink data transmitted in each downlink unit band is maintained and at the same time the increase in overhead of downlink allocation control information is suppressed. At a terminal 200, a controller 208 performs transmission control of a response signal according to the reception success / failure pattern of downlink data received over a downlink unit band included in a unit band group set at the terminal itself. The control unit 208 differentiates the phase points of the response signal according to a number of downlink data successfully received in the reception success / failure pattern, i.e. some ACKs, and the reception success in cases where multiple reception success / failure patterns with the same ACK number are present. It makes the phase points of the response signal identical between the / error patterns.


The information in blue was extracted from the third parties (Standard Setting Organisation, Espacenet)

The information in grey was provided by the patent holder

The information in purple was extracted from the FrandAvenue

Explicitly disclosed patent:openly and comprehensibly describes all details of the invention in the patent document.

Implicitly disclosed patent:does not explicitly state certain aspects of the invention, but still allows for these to be inferred from the information provided.

Basis patent:The core patent in a family, outlining the fundamental invention from which related patents or applications originate.

Family member:related patents or applications that share a common priority or original filing.