


Çift baglanti için güç kontrolü ve güç bosluk payi raporlamasi.

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Abstract  Abstract

The invention relates to a method for efficiently performing power control in cases where the UE is connected to both the MeNB and the SeNB. MeNB determines a power distribution rate for the power to be used by the UE for uplink transmission to MeNB and determines the SeNB, PEMAX, MeNB and PEMAX, SeNB parameters and sends these parameters to SeNB / UE for use in power control. Moreover, updating the power distribution ratio is provided by the MeNB, with the help of the UE, providing the MeNB containing information about the path loss in the secondary radio link to the SeNB, preferably secondary radio link to the SeNB and the MeNB in relation to the secondary radio link. by transferring a virtual power headroom report to the MeNB, where it receives the path loss information for


The information in blue was extracted from the third parties (Standard Setting Organisation, Espacenet)

The information in grey was provided by the patent holder

The information in purple was extracted from the FrandAvenue

Explicitly disclosed patent:openly and comprehensibly describes all details of the invention in the patent document.

Implicitly disclosed patent:does not explicitly state certain aspects of the invention, but still allows for these to be inferred from the information provided.

Basis patent:The core patent in a family, outlining the fundamental invention from which related patents or applications originate.

Family member:related patents or applications that share a common priority or original filing.