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Abstract  Abstract

A radio access network portion of a telecommunications network ( 18) which serves a mobile station (MS) is connecting to a core network. The radio access network portion has plural base stations (BS) serving respective plural cells (C) as well as plural control nodes (RNCs). The control nodes include a first control node (RNC 1) for controlling a first group of the plural base stations and a second control node (RNC 2) for controlling a second group of the plural base stations. A multicell area (MCA) includes cells served by at least some of the first group of base stations and cells served by at least some of the second group of base stations. The radio access network portion of a telecommunications network further has a paging control node which stores information regarding the multicell area. To page the mobile station in the multicell area the paging control node ( 1) sends paging messages to each of the base stations serving the multicell area controlled by the paging control node: and ( 2) sends a paging message to any other control nodes which control base stations serving cells in the multicell area. The paging control node determines to which base stations and other control node(s) it should send paging messages by consulting a paging table ( 100). Preferably the paging control node is one of the control nodes of the radio access network. The paging control node is connected to the other control node(s) by an inter-control node link ( 32) over which the paging message is sent.


The information in blue was extracted from the third parties (Standard Setting Organisation, Espacenet)

The information in grey was provided by the patent holder

The information in purple was extracted from the FrandAvenue

Explicitly disclosed patent

Implicitly disclosed patent

Basis patent

Family member